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Real vs. Fake Pay Stubs: Details That Matter

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Pay stubs have become valuable pieces of information that tell how much an employee earns and so much more. But then, you now see a lot of fake pay stubs taking the world by storm. A police officer was even found to use a fake to apply or a used car loan. Eventually, he was caught and got a loan fraud charge. But then, you still see a lot of people around who are using these fake pay stubs and take advantage of them. When you are unable to tell real pay stubs from the fake ones, then you put yourself in a situation of being easily swindled. Luckily, you can tell the real ones from the fake ones by checking a couple of details. If you want to know the difference between the real vs fake pay stubs, the following are some telltale signs of the real ones to guide you.

You see a lot of fake pay stubs in this day and age because of the invention of the so-called fake pay stub generators. In identifying real pay stubs from fake ones, you have to first check the basic information you can find in the stub. If you look at the real one, you should get correct basic information. What fake pay stub generators give you are generic information. The person generating the said stub may also miss certain details or forgot to replace generic details. Be warned by incorrect basic information like the occupation, date of birth, or name of the person. Seeing spelling mistakes from the pay stub is also a sign that it can be fake. It is the job of the accountant to spot these errors and ensure to correct them before the stub is issued. With fake stub generators, this is not done. An authentic pay stub will automatically be filled out by employee information stored in the company system, so there should not be any errors.

The next details that you need to look into in your pay stub are if the decimal points and digits are all lined up. When it comes to accountants and generating pay stubs, they make sure to do everything right. In short, all digits and decimal points should be consistently lined up in the pay stub with no room for confusion and error. A fake pay stub appears as if it was created using Microsoft Word. A real pay stub, on the other hand, is truly created using legit accounting software.

To tell real pay stubs apart from the fake ones, you have to check the their “Os” and “0s”. You should spout a difference between these two. These tiny details make a lot of difference in spotting fake stubs from the real ones. Usually, there is a line that goes through the zero digit. This tiny detail is seldom considered by many fake pay stub generators. If you want to know more about this topic, then click here: